
I remember there was an exhibition of the Chambure collection at the 
Bibliothèque Nationale (not yet de France at the time) in 1980. I still have 
the complete catalogue of this extraordinary collection of music - printed and 
manuscripts - and instruments. A real treasure indeed, more than 100 pages 
descriptions !

We can certainly be grateful to the Countess for gathering this and leaving it 
all to the BNF, although, sadly, I heard, from musicians who knew her well and 
went to play or sing for her regularly at her "hôtel particulier", using her 
instruments, that she lent some of these instruments to some people, who never 
gave them back... but she never did a move to get them back.  A very generous 
person, indeed.



======= 27-03-2008 18:45:36 =======

>       I just found this, in the records of Biblioth=E8que nationale de  
>France. Charte documentaire des acquisitions.
>These are manuscripts received in stead of death duties, the Countess  
>must have had quite a collection of manuscripts:
>"Les dations ont enrichi considerablement les collections : Genevi=E8ve  
>Thibault de Chambure en 1978
>(manuscrits, recueils, editions des XVIe au XVIIIe si=E8cles), la  
>succession Debussy-de Tinan, les manuscrits
>d'Henri Sauguet, la dation Francis Poulenc en 1998, la dation Andre  
>Jolivet en 2002."
>"Le Departement acquiert les livres de theorie musicale et les livres  
>sur la musique. L'objectif est de completer
>les editions publiees en France, mais aussi de combler certaines  
>lacunes d'editions etrang=E8res selectionnees, en
>raison de l'absence d'acquisitions etrang=E8res avant la creation du  
>Departement (Allemagne, Italie, annees
>1910-1940). Par exemple dans l'une des ventes de la collection de  
>Chambure en 1995 : Stefano Pesori,
>Toccate de chitarriglia, Verona, ca 1650, Roland de Lassus, Jeremiae  
>prophetae..., Paris, 1586, Giovanni Battista
>Bassani, La sirene amorosa, Venise, 1699 et des symphonies  
>concertantes de Guenin et Breval =E0 la vente
>Mongredien en 1997."
>So the family paid off some death duties by giving manuscripts, etc  
>to the Bibliot=E8que Nationale.
>Probably Arthur had access to these through the Countess.
>Presumably, her family did not have the same piorities as she did.
>Le 27 mars 08 =E0 17:44, wolfgang wiehe a ecrit :
>> I bought a copy some years ago and i paid less than 100 Euro  for it in a
>> antiquarian book seller in berlin. There was a surprize in the book (i
>> didn't know it before):
>> Look at
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2345788335/
>> Greetings
>> Wolfgang, a proud owner!
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