I can't see ANY music-loving nation putting up with this pompous
   stupidity (No - I checked - It's not April 1st).  Haven't they got
   better things to do when the world, and particularly Europe is going
   down the tubes?  Makes the rearranging of the deckchairs on the Titanic
   seem a sensible thing to do.

   I guess musicians will just have to take up sheep stealing . . .


   PS - and I HATE sausages in synthetic skins, too.  As for haggis that
   doesn't involve the digestive tract of a sheep, life will no longer be
   worth living.
   PPS - I thought Italy just nodded in agreement then did its own thing
   anyway, regardless of the silly rules that come out of Brussels.  I
   didn't think Berlusconi's departure would have such a devastating
   effect so soon.
   From: Orphenica <wer...@orphenica.de>
   Cc: Lute Net <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   Sent: Tuesday, 15 November 2011, 20:43
   Subject: [LUTE] Gut Strings
   Dear collective lute wisdom,
   is it true that the production of gut in Europe will be prohibited by
   European law?
   As stated on Aquila's web page the production of gut strings and import
   of raw materials will be prohibited:
   I tried to contact the Italian ministry of Health, with no answer by
   I cannot believe that we pay bureaucratic douchebags that have nothing
   else to do than to make such decisions.
   What will be next? Warning lights on theorbos longer than 1,40m;
   mandatory rubber gloves for gut players?
   To get on or off this list see list information at



   2. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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