   David van Ooijen
   On 17 September 2016 at 09:06, howard posner
   <[3]howardpos...@ca.rr.com> wrote:

     > On Sep 16, 2016, at 11:46 PM, David van Ooijen
     <[4]davidvanooi...@gmail.com> wrote:
     > Well, there you go then. But maybe Ron doesn't read his own pages.
     It's easy to forget.   Just today, in writing program notes for a
     concert of Beethoven's last piano sonata, violin sonata and string
     quartet, I remembered that B. had remarked some time after the ninth
     symphony, perhaps five years before he died that he was just then
     learning how to compose.   I wanted to confirm that he made that
     remark.   My web search for "just learning to compose" took me
     straight to an essay about a B. quartet on the Los Angeles
     Philharmonic website, written by a you guessed it a me.

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