----Original Message----
From: mathias.roe...@t-online.de
Date: 30/03/2017 16:22 
To: "'LutList'"<lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
Subj: [LUTE] Re: Latin translation

Philipo Thomas Howard pr[a]edicatorium etc... 
In obsequi[i] pignus addictis[s]imus servus Jacobus de Rubeis. 

To Philip Thomas Howard …
as pledge of obedience, [your] most obliged servant Jacobus de Rubeis.

The upper line seems a little unclear to me. "To Philip Thomas Howard" 
would actually be " Philipo Thomae". Secondly, praedicatorium is a 
study (room). I was wondering, as Philip Howard had joined the 
Dominican Order in 1645, if "predicatorium etc" was rather meant to 
read predicatorum ord, "of the Dominican Order".


Thank you - that's very helpful. You are right about predicatorum. The 
first line is actually Philippo Thomae Howard ordinis praedicatorum S.R.
E. Presb. Card. de Norfolcia Hiberie Anglie e Scotie Protectoris.

I am a bit puzzled by "Hiberie" which I assume is actually Hibernia = 
Ireland. It can't be Spain. He was Protector of catholics in England 
and Scotland but not as far as I know in Ireland.

Thank you again.

> It appears at the bottom of an engraved portrait of the English King 
James II. Philip Howard was an English Catholic Cardinal adviser to 
James and Jacobus de Rubeis was the engraver but it is not clear to me 
who is doing what to whom....I think, but may be wrong, that Howard 
commissioned the engraving from Rubeis aka Giacomo de Rossi

Any help would be much appreciated.


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