Amir Karger wrote:

> Well, I tend to believe that mentioning specific features that people
> will like is more effective than saying "LyX can do almost everything
> almost perfectly!" Mentioning specific languages might people who
> speak that language to say "hey, a word processor [sic] that speaks my
> language. Why don't I try to download it?" And then they're
> hooked. Whereas if you say "several languages" they might not bother.
> But maybe you should tell me how you foreigners think :)

Hmm, I'd say "Whatsnew" is more intended for those who already know LyX
and want to know about the - well, new things.  

But you're right, in the anouncement there should be all supported
languages mentioned literally.


Peter "Pit" Suetterlin            
Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen
Tel.: +49 551 39-5048                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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