It didn't work for me until I executed the "rehash" function, which
rebuilds the ls-R database.

By the way, is just one of the Hollywoods below supposed to be capitalized,
the other lower case?

Best regards
Larry S. Marso

On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 11:41:11AM -0400, Garst R. Reese wrote:
> The attached Hollywood.tar.bz2 file contains the current state of my
> efforts.
> Hollywood.layout
> hollywood.cls
> hollywood.sty
> scriptone.lyx
> hollywood.bind (included in my menu.bind file)
> The preamble of scriptone.lyx, sets up the use of labels to keep track
> of speakers.
> Hollywood.cls is adapted from report.cls (mostly deletions, and there
> probably could be more deleted).
> A key element of this class is the rigid adherence to the appearance of
> a 1960's IBM Selectric with a 12pt Courier ball glued in :) It's ugly,
> but that's what they want until some famous screen writer gets LyX :)
> Feel free to hack away at the .cls file--I was flying blind.
> In teTeX-9, (or is it -6) I was able to set pointers to
> /usr/local/share/lyx/tex and /home/garst/.lyx/tex and put the .cls file
> in either, but this did not work for the older version which is in the
> dists, so I put it in /usr/local/teTeX/texmf/tex/latex/hollywood
> -- 
> Garst

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