Juergen Vigna wrote:
Hi Abdel,

as much as I know before we started on fixing bugs there I was not able
to scroll trough the UserGuide without hitting an Assert ;)

But this has nothing to do with speed ;-)

More seriously, I was of course speaking about a built that was before the scrolling breakage (which was very recent contrarily to what you might think). Please note that I am not criticizing your work. I think Andre's solution for the painter and the workarea is elegant and I would have done the same if I were not limited by the multiple frontends support.

I think that this is due to the "more" metrics calculations we have to do
in order to fix all that scrolling bugs and with it the removal of the
nullpainter which was not calculating important stuff as *normal* text, and
therefore with it in place the x positions of the insets where all wrong!

Year, that and maybe also the font stuff that Asger mentioned yesterday.


PS: I didn't know that there was two Jurgen in this list. I was confused by the fact Jurgen (S) criticized the Denmark people while he was part of them :-)

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