On Tuesday 28 November 2006 1:54 pm, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "José" == José Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> José>   Codewise this convertion seems easy and all the previous files
> José> should be working. Or am I missing something?
> No, it looks OK if this asciization is easy in python. One should
> check against duplicates, though, like in the case of Théorème vs.
> Théoréme (I am sure a more realist case can be found).

  You are right about the duplications and I thought about it before posting, 
it is easy to track duplications.

  Regarding asciization don't trust me, trust Angus who has already done this 
in lib/generate_contributions.py for 1.4. :-)

  I intent to reuse the same code. :-)

> JMarc

José Abílio

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