On Thursday 07 June 2007 19:34:15 Bo Peng wrote:
> Jose:
> I can polish this and add lyx2lyx. I wrote this for my own use but if
> there is a bug report for it, I guess I can make this official. Is
> this something you want for 1.5.0?


  I have a personal agenda against this kind of hacks. :-)
  I know because I have used them in the past.

  The current paradigm of a list of paragraphs at top level is insufficient, 
even for latex. The tricks needed for example in beamer make the latex code 
awful and not something I show to my colleagues as an example of LyX.

  The solution would be to go to a box based approach (from a linked list to a 
tree). We already have this model for insets so this is not too far away. In 
the previous discussion that we had before the general opinion has shifted 
and the only problem that remains is how to make the user interface seemingly 
to users.

  The use of the above approach would give us outline abilities as a bonus, a 
much cleaner latex code, easier docbook without resorting to esoteric tricks 
and so on...

  What I am afraid is that with this short term solution we delay further the 
real solution. :-(

  With this said if people agree that this is a good compromise I will not 
object to it being committed before rc2.

> Bo

José Abílio

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