On Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 10:07:54AM +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
>  Charles de Miramon wrote:
> > I think that what is needed is a standard mechanism to enter in a friendly
> > GUI way structured information in LyX like titlepages, frames in
> > beamer,multiple choice questions, etc. The gui form would be stored in the
> > layout and when you create a new beaamer frame (title page, multiple choixe
> > entry) the ui form would be displayed and you could enter title, subtitle,
> > etc...
> >
> > LyX is limited by the dropdown style list copied from wordprocesssors that
> > works for paragraph formatting but not for structured information.
> >   
>  An idea:
>  What if the .layout could specify document-specific insets?
>  They would be listed on the insert menu, and show up
>  in the GUI as boxes with whatever caption the .layout
>  specifies.  The .layout should also specify latex code to be
>  generated, and enforce some structure with simple rules
>  about how they nest.

We already have that: charstyles, which are however pretty
limited. But they could be extended (under a different name
probably, "style insets"?)
>  Could something like that do the trick for beamer?  (I haven't
>  used beamer myself . . .)

Would be a partial solution at best. We also need optarg
insets extended to accept < > as delimiters instead of
[ ] . And then a dialog, definable from the .layout file,
 for picking the various 1- etc strings. (this feature
would also help implementing Carlisle's enumerate
extension more generally.)

>  Helge Hafting

- Martin

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