On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 08:36 +0200, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> Darren Freeman wrote:
> I don't think this is the problem but you can try to disable the 'hover' 
> with the attached patch.

I verified the bug with the original version, and then patched and
compiled, tried again. I found  the slowness to be much worse, and
couldn't be cleared by resizing (I think some gain was had by copying
from within LyX). What's worse is the un-patched (installed) version was
then hideously slow and wouldn't speed up either!

I don't know what was going on, even repainting the window decorations
was slow. Bringing up the citation dialogue took a second or more to
paint everything!!

But then I recompiled the un-patched version, and it was back to usual,
bug intact but workaround succeeded. Then I compiled the patched
version, and it was fast. I haven't seen it exhibit the bug yet.

I'm now going to test the patched version to see if the slowness comes
back at all.

What could be lingering after the normal closure of the slightly patched
LyX? I did notice it failed to reconfigure when I ran the different
version, so I guess it is only triggered by a hard-coded version number
rather than a hash of the binary etc.

> What could could be a problem though is the automatic work area resizing 
> when a toolbar (mathed or tabular) pops up. Do you use this feature? If 
> yes, try to disable it and report back.

I don't know this feature. If it's off by default, then I'm not using
it. I haven't seen toolbars coming and going by themselves.

> Darren, I appreciate your reports but I am sorry to say they are not 
> very useful at this point. The only thing we need is a profile report 
> when you see this slowdown. Without experimenting this slowdown I cannot 
> solve it, as simple as that.

Okay I'll have to look into profiling. Any tips? Extra build options,
preferred profiling tool?

Have fun,

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