On Mon, 24 Sep 2007, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

 Serialization allows us to have the paragraph-params-apply lfun, for
 example, which allow to bind any aspect of paragraph settings to a key
 or icon.

No, what you are talking about is the frontend -> core communication, which I agree should be kept working via LFUN. But we don't need any serialization to do that, just a well defined protocol.

FYI, I've designed some communication protocols and syntaxes,

/me too, I am a telecommunication engineer ;-)

and it's a lot harder and more time consuming than you'd expect. Creating a well defined protocol that covers what's needed is a non-trivial task :-(

Problem is that, right now, the serialization effectively mean that each Inset defines its own undocumented protocol. We are not talking about a network protocol or something complicated, we just need a well defined syntax for the LFUN, for example:

LFUN_XXX /command1 option1a option1b /command2 option2a option2b ...

Right now, we have a copy of the current ParagraphParam in the controller and this is very wrong.

Is there some other way of avoiding that?

The one and only way of avoiding the local copy is to remove the core -> frontend serialisation and access the current paragraph directly (the one paragraph pointed by the BufferView Cursor. There is no other way.


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