So, the work on making this system more flexible proceeds, with interruptions for actual philosophy from time to time. At this point, I have a question before I embark on the next step. The question concerns how the list of parameters is represented in InsetCommandParams.

At present, it's done like this. This struct:
   struct CommandInfo {
       /// Number of parameters
       size_t n;
       /// Parameter names. paramnames[n] must be "".
       char const * const * paramnames;
       /// Tells whether a parameter is optional
       bool const * optional;
describes the parameters to be used, and it's defined here:
   switch (code) {
   case BIBITEM_CODE: {
       static const char * const paramnames[] = {"label", "key", ""};
       static const bool isoptional[] = {true, false};
       static const CommandInfo info = {2, paramnames, isoptional};
       return &info;
etc. The parameters themselves are stored in a separate data structure:
   typedef std::vector<docstring> ParamVector;
   /// The parameters (both optional and required ones). The order is
   /// the same that is required for LaTeX output. The size of params_
   /// is always info_->n.
   ParamVector params_;
and written in the following sort of way:
       int const i = findToken(info_->paramnames, token);
       if (i >= 0) {
           params_[i] = lex.getDocString();
I take it that the idea is that we don't have to store the list of parameters, whether they're optional, etc, in each and every inset, but rather use a reference to the static const construct to save memory.

But the problem, from my point of view, is that, in trying to make this more flexible, we don't want to assume that each inset has a fixed list of parameters that it will accept. What parameters it accepts may depend upon what command it represents: Compare jurabib and natbib and biblatex, in particular, let alone a to-be-written "custom command inset" similar to custom Flex insets. The obvious way to handle this is to have something like this:
   enum Optional { OPT, REQ };
   struct ParamInfo {
      std::string paramName;
      Optional opt;
      docstring value;
   class ParamList {
      setValue(std::string name, docstring value);
      getValue(std::string name);
      isOptional(std::string name);
      std::list<ParamInfo> plist;
And then every InsetCommand would have an associated ParamList in its InsetCommandParams.

So the question is: Are the added memory requirements here objectionable? If so, is there some natural way to continue with the static const treatment, even assuming the acceptable parameters could vary, and even be set at runtime? It's because I don't see how to do the latter that this plan seems the only workable one.


Richard G Heck, Jr
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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