On 8 Sep 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> hawk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | 3) In the preferences dialog, when I click on "show banner" (I presume 
> | this disables the sticky splash screen?  I hate splash screens; under 
> | fvwm they take over that region of screen until the program is ready), 
> | "Restore" becomes selectable, but "Save" and "Apply" do not.  I assume 
> | this is incorrect, and to get back up to speed, I'll try to peek at the 
> | code next week.
> Please do, some of this code is pretty new and untested.

I've checked this here and don't see this.  

The only way for this to happen is if you have an invalid entry in either
of the Paths tab entries or an invalid size entry for the Scrren Fonts tab
(tiny, script entries).  I'll have to check whether Preferences tests
validity when first opened or if I test after only after input.

So it's not quite incorrect behaviour, since you do have an invalid entry
somewhere, but I suspect it'll be due to the setting of your
Paths->Template Dir. entry (since I had something similar weeks ago).

Allan. (ARRae)

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