On 2010-03-18, Liviu Andronic wrote:
> --0016e6d7f07bc6fb1e0482107256
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

> On 3/18/10, Guenter Milde <mi...@users.berlios.de> wrote:
>>  Could you post a minimal tex file (i.e. the result of
>>  File>Export>pdflatex).

> Yes, see attached. Any obvious issues with it?


1. The code before the preamble prevents error detection.

2. The package Sweave.sty is required, that is not available on CTAN.

3. Searching for Sweave.sty on the net, I found a version with this::

   which overwrites your font selection with the long deprecated "ae"
   virtual fonts (see l2tabu.pdf).
some solutions:

a) Load the font package after Sweave.sty (e.g. in the LaTeX preamble
   with the GUI font selector set to "Default").

b) Load Sweave.sty with the "noae" option.

c) Tell the Sweave.sty maintainer not to load the deprecated package by


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