rgheck wrote:

> Feel free to grab Qt Designer and work on this. Or at least produce a
> mock-up.

I found the CitationUi.ui file and opened it in Qt Designer. But before 
playing with it, I was wondering about the possibility to have multiple 

The only use case is, if I understand it correctly, when you are using some 
natbib style where you have \cite{Heck2007, HeckBis2007, Heck2009) to get 
something like Heck, 2007, 2007a, 2009

If it is the case, then you could get rid of the multiple citations part of 
the dialog. It would be possible only to insert one citation with an 
optional prefix/postfix.  

And have a general option for the document in the bibliographical pane 
(Concatenate Citations) which would during the latex export concatenate 
Citation insets separated only by space into a \cite{a, b, c}


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