On 31/08/2010 3:35 PM, Guenter Milde wrote:
On 2010-08-30, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Using the OutputFormat tag defined for use with sweave, one can have a
module that changes the format (and thus add an extra convert step).
This is unfortunately only easy to use when the module and converters
are bundled with LyX (and these ones are presumably safe...)

Could this be used to allow LilyPond source code in LyX that is
converted to musical scores by the 'lilypond-book' pre-processor


Yes, I have already submitted a patch to this list to implement it. Since then I have worked on the patch a little bit. It works well except for one or two things. As mentioned in a previous message in this tread, instant preview always treats the current buffer as LaTeX, so any attempt to change the OutputFormat to allow preprocessing by lilypond-book is ignored by the preview mechanism. My current fix to get Instant preview working is kind of a hack, so I haven't posted a updated patch yet.

But in short, yes you can do that.


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