On 28/02/2012 6:02 a.m., Richard Heck wrote:
On 02/26/2012 05:54 PM, Pascal Fischer wrote:
In the options you can choose to separate paragraphs by identation or
spacing. It should be possible to choose both.

Why would you want to use both?

In *informal* letters having both, with a ragged right setting, gives a friendlier appearance. Justified text is too formal and indentation only or extra spacing only don't seem quite enough for the kind of letter where topics are likely to jump around rather than follow the regular development of a more structured document
LyX tries to encourage good typography.
But if you do want both, then that can be done, I think, by choosing
indentation and then setting \parskip manually in your preamble.


I use the following, in a module, for informal letters, providing both indentation and extra spacing:

Style informal
        Category              MainText
        LatexType             Environment
        LatexName             informal
        Margin                Static
        ParIndent             MMM
        TopSep                .4
        BottomSep             .4
        ParSep                .4
        Align                 Left


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