>>>>> "Duncan" == Duncan Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Duncan> so X11 has grabbed Object too... 

Yes, that's the problem. We have a SigC::Object that is brought into
global space (because some compilers do not have namespaces). However,
Object is only defined for Xt and xforms does not rely on Xt.

Duncan> As for people not using xforms 0.88 then start dreaming now.

My xforms 0.88.1 forms.h does not have this behaviour. I see two

- people use a lyx rpm. Then they do not need to recompile and all is

- people want to recompile. The they are smart enough to upgrade their
  xforms rpm.

Duncan> Even if that was not true as soon as anyone does a motif
Duncan> port the duplicate name gets them again, 

Arghh! LyX was already ported _from_ Motif, so I hope it will not go
back. More seriously, when this happens, we will probably rely on
namespaces anyway.

And as Lars pointed out, naming a struct Object in a library is _bad_.


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