Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Duncan" == Duncan Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Duncan> so X11 has grabbed Object too...
> Yes, that's the problem. We have a SigC::Object that is brought into
> global space (because some compilers do not have namespaces). However,
> Object is only defined for Xt and xforms does not rely on Xt.
> Duncan> As for people not using xforms 0.88 then start dreaming now.
> My xforms 0.88.1 forms.h does not have this behaviour. I see two
> possibilities:
> - people use a lyx rpm. Then they do not need to recompile and all is
>   well.
> - people want to recompile. The they are smart enough to upgrade their
>   xforms rpm.
> Duncan> Even if that was not true as soon as anyone does a motif
> Duncan> port the duplicate name gets them again,
> Arghh! LyX was already ported _from_ Motif, so I hope it will not go
> back. More seriously, when this happens, we will probably rely on
> namespaces anyway.
> And as Lars pointed out, naming a struct Object in a library is _bad_.

Maybe, but what's with the library SigC? Isn't it bad too?

The lib Xt is as old as I'm a programmer (10 years) and the "problem" is
there since these days...

The view of such things may shifted, but one concern of the
X11 team is compatibility with previous versions. So they're right to
leave this as it is.

I don't believe that *all* possible LyX-GUI's can rely on avoiding
the use of the Intrinsics.

And the use of Motif is industrial standard and the only problem
is the licensing --- solved with OpenMotif now/soon.

A possible workaround(?)

#define Object XtObject
#include <X11/Intrinsics.h>
#undef Object

should replace the line
#include <X11/Intrinsics.h>

or analogous:
define Object XtObject
#include <forms.h>
#undef Object

Regards, Stephan

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | beusen Solutions GmbH
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