garst gabbed,

> > | Neither idea addresses the simple fact that rm is plain stupid.

lars lamented,
> > "Stupid is as stupid does"

> >         Lgb
> Well, I work with a lot of handicapped people (aren't we all?) and have
> become very aware of how a small deficit in hand-eye coordination or
> visual acuity can lead to disaster. Unix was not designed with these
> people in mind. It's general philosophy is "I'm the infallible
> programmer, do what I tell you, no questions asked."

> Rick, the stupid lawyer com bungling scientist, LyX contributor fell
> prey.

shh, my students might hear :)

The really odd thing about the whole adventure is that it came from an
*extra* space, where I tend to have a problem with many keyboards
getting a space in the first place.

re: expansion

I'm aware of how * is expanded, but that's not what got me (that would
have been annoying at the time, but wouldn't have killed me). Is ~
expanded by the shell or the application?

re: what I got back

Andre noted that he recovers files the same way (yikes, I open this
doesn't happen to him *that* often :)  Though I"ve recovered 
enough thwacked partitions to have gotten good hat it [hint: do 
not *ever* run fdisk from drdos; it has a tendency to shift
the whole table . . .).

Anyway, I attached a zip drive, and used strings to get 
everything, for a total of about 40M on a 260M partition.  There
were certainly other lyx files around.  Why didn't I find anything?

As I'm going through what I recovered, I've noticed a couple of things:

1) The paper wasn't nearly as long as I thought :)  This was one of
those that fermented for months, and then came out in a long 
stream.  I have more work to do than I thought.

2)  The line breaks seem consistant with where lyx would place them. I 
get separate lines where math, emphasis, etc. would land.

3)  And as I write this message, I found the problem.  There 
isn't a single backslash in the 40 megs that strings produced . . .

Oh, well, that's one for the collective memory . . . and looking
at the man page for strings doesn't provide any hint that there
is a way to change what it considers a character.  I suppose
I should have written a script to get all 7 bit ascii characters . . .

rick, the stupid lawyer who was at least smart enough to get out of 
active practice :)

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