"Garst R. Reese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| > "Stupid is as stupid does"

| Well, I work with a lot of handicapped people (aren't we all?) and have
| become very aware of how a small deficit in hand-eye coordination or
| visual acuity can lead to disaster. Unix was not designed with these
| people in mind. It's general philosophy is "I'm the infallible
| programmer, do what I tell you, no questions asked."
| Rick, the stupid lawyer com bungling scientist, LyX contributor fell
| prey.
| Garst

My underlying point is that an command or any nonliving object for
that matter can not be stupid. User are stupid sysadmins are stupid.
And the stupidity is not aloway that they use "rm" wrong, but that
they has not created an alternative delete command (or whatever).


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