On 11/03/2015 07:00 PM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

I have found the message helpful, particularly when developing a module
or a latex package to work with LyX. In the latter case, the failure to
remove the temp directory may indicate that a latex process is still
running. (Failure of a preview snippet for instance.) From experience I
know that this can lead to multiple occurrences of the latex executable
running at once, and LyX becoming more and more sluggish.

I personally find this very annoying. As a user. It doesn't happen on Linux, so I'm still good, but on Windows: I tested the patch on Windows, no messages were shown if LyX was closed, Windows Explorer window would just close upon the deletion of the temp folder. But, if I had Acrobat Reader open with the document still loaded in, two error messages would pop out giving me totally irrelevant information... I press ok, and than what? LyX is going to close anyway, should I look for the temp folder and delete it myself?

I don't think this is the right way of debugging things. There's View>Message pane, why not just print the error message there. Worse things happen than the temp folder not being deleted and no windows pop out like this.

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