Le 09/12/2016 à 16:04, mn a écrit :
Right now I guess there were several reasons we arrived at the current
situation. Either very good or congruent reasons or just by chance.
But I also guess that no-one has tested or adjusted all the color options:

-- for people with (color-)vision abnormalities
-- for consistency of metaphors and hierarchies
-- the balance of beauty and usability (they are quite ugly, but I
actually do not care about this much since I found them to be 'working'
up until now)

I have tried once or twice to move in this direction, but there is a strong resistance on the list :) I guess if we made it easy to package color schemes, we could ship with a different one and keep the "classic" one for die hards. This is not difficult, but there is some background work to make it work. Unfortunately, these days I have other priorities, even LyX-wise.

The above is not meant as a complaint.
Nor am I a qualified expert for color-vision or cognitive ergonomics to
remedy this observation.
https://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/ColorSchemes and another website list several
"themes" that are arbitrary, cool, or likeable.

To be frank, I even did not know that we had this page on our wiki!

I would be willing to lend a hand to someone trying to implement the needed machinery for color themes in LyX. What is needed is
- a new command \color_theme, and some UI in preferences to go with it
- a way to read these colors (trivial AFAICS)
- a way to dump a color theme from a user's working LyX (not difficult)
- a way to declare that a color is the same as another one like
  \set_color "latex" "#A6E22E"
  \set_color "preview" "@latex"
 This should be mostly easy, but the UI will require some work
- some UI to declare a transparent color, and code in LyX to make sure that it works as intended (we already have Color_none for that)

Might it be better than the current options
– to allow for an option of differing text-background color for foreign
languages, (This is arguably very likely to conflict with all the other
background choices under Look&Feel. )
– and make this switchable via a shortcut and toolbar toggle?

We could make this work together with the "show paragraph end" option (I do not like adding options :)

The quick toggle is presumably easiest and most important, given that
all those color options are daunting already.


Note that one can see whether the language at cursor position is
different from default by looking at the status bar.

I didn't think of that within this scope.
This is indeed helpful but very limited.
Cursor position is unable to tell me the (is it correct?) extent of the
language declaration.



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