On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 07:34:59PM +0000, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2017-07-19, Christian Ridderström wrote:
> ...
> > ... I would like to ask (not being
> > optimistic), if there's some design description anywhere?
> > I wonder because IMHO security requires a system wide approach and that
> > it's very easy to screw up if only looking at isolated pieces. Further, it
> > requires continuity so you know what you initially intended to achieve and
> > what you consider good enough. Otherwise you might later introduce a new
> > feature that inadvertently opens up a security whole. Without a system
> > design, it's also easy to get caught in discussions trying to bandaid a
> > small hole while missing entire walls missing.
> > I think this kind of information would be good to gather and store in some
> > kind of design document, which could just be a text file in the repo.  Then
> > we could add knowledge to this document, and let if include the rationale
> > behind our choices, as well as letting developers review the system design.
> I support the suggestion to create such a document and suppose to make it
> a section in "Development.lyx":
> + bundled with other project policies and developer documentation
> + write access for all developers
> + we can use LyX's version control for to-be-reviewed parts and diverging
>   opinions/comments


Development.lyx does not have a rigorous structure. If anyone is
interested in writing something more formal, when we can at reference
that file from within Development.lyx.

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