Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> I'm concerned that since this issue has left us all exhausted, there is
> a feeling of "let's just get this over so we can move on". I encourage
> all of us to give one more cognitive spurt and give a vote.
> From what I understand, the three options are still what I proposed
> three weeks ago [1]:
> 1. Revert the recently added minted support.
> 2. Keep the current state of master.
> 3. Apply the patch at [2]. Don't forget to copy emblem-shellescape.svgz
> to lib/images. (Note that I get linker errors when I try to apply the
> latest patch, but it might be something specific to my setup.)
> So I ask explicitly to everyone (even if you think you have already
> voted, please give your vote again):

Little difficult, because what I opined was not included in your list.
To sum up I favor support of minted, which would use secure calling
minted once it's compilation is split into separated steps as proposed
on minted bugzilla.
So I do not have strong opinion whether we shoould go 1 or 2 if we
fix the issues once minted is fixed.

Even after all discussion I still see adding the whole needauth machinery as
unnecessary complication of code and UI; possible future use of pygments
still seems as made up argument for the sake of discussion rather than real
user demand.

So the breakdown is likely 0.5 voting points for 1 & 2.


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