On Tue, Aug 01, 2017 at 02:35:27AM +0200, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > I did not hear your reaction to it either.
> I see you just did that, sorry... P

I believe that except for Enrico and I, everyone who participated in
this conversation has voted. Uwe was interested in voting, but as the
vote stands currently, his vote would not change the outcome. I don't
have indication that any other LyX developer is interested in voting.

The results are the following:

1: Guillaume (hesitantly [1]), .5 Pavel
2: .5 Pavel
3: Kornel, JMarc, Jürgen, Richard

Option 3 wins the vote. My decision is to go forward with Enrico's
latest patch for beta1.

Because the vote was not a blowout, and because I did not represent the
opinions of at least Guillaume and Pavel in the options, we will have
another vote two weeks after beta1 is released. Each developer may
propose one option that will be included in the vote.

So to be clear: although we are going to release beta1 with minted
support, depending on the post-beta1 vote, we may decide to remove it.

Thank you to everyone for your time on this issue.



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