Am Dienstag, den 02.01.2018, 21:15 +0900 schrieb Joel Kulesza:
> Jürgen,
> Thank you for working to clean-up the Insert menu and for moving
> around a couple of the items.  Am I correct that these ui.diff
> changes haven't yet been applied?  


> I don't see them as of 8d8ee12e.  Is the logic behind the
> reorganization to isolate direct-TeX interacting elements to the
> bottom (and to better separate the Arguments, both of which I like
> the idea of)? 


> Regardless, rather than split the menu elements that are present
> regardless of document type (presently Table through Preview), does
> it make sense to instead append the separated regions of Environments
> and Arguments to the bottom of the menu such that it will grow, as
> appropriate, rather than shift around contents?

Many other menu items will appear only in certain context, so you
always have items (dis)appear within a menu (and not only at the

> A couple other questions/comments:
> Your commit 8f86feb prepends "Insert" to context menus.  I cannot see
> where these are shown.  Can you help me understand what changed
> here?  Sorry for my ignorance.

Context menu (right mouse click)

> In looking for the above, I notice that in the Preferences -> Editing
> -> Shortcuts, there is a "separator-insert" function.  Given past
> changes to Beamer in LyX, should this be removed?

No, this function is still needed. In fact, it is used by the
environment-split function.

> In looking for the above in Preferences -> Editing -> Shortcuts,
> should the environment insertion functions added to the Insert menu
> that we're discussing be added to receive shortcut key assignment?  A
> search for "insert" and "frame" did not reveal them to me.

environment-split, "environment-split outer", "environment-split
before", and "environment-split-previous"

You can assign shortcuts to them. Note that there are already bindings
for either environment-split or environment-split previous (Alt+Return)
, depending on which one is currently active, as well as "environment-
split outer" (Alt+Shift+Return). Only the latter is indicated in the
menu. This is due to the fact that the former is defined via command-
alternatives, and the code that builds the strings for display cannot
yet deal with that (the fix is beyond my knowledge).

> Thanks,
> Joel
> P.S. Sorry to feel like an overzealous hawk, but I've spent an
> inordinate amount of time in LyX with Beamer over the past year or
> so, so improvements are dear to me.  Since we're (you're) working in
> the area, many of the thoughts I've had while using it are bubbling
> forth.  Bottom line: I truly appreciate your selfless work on this!

I appreciate the input. It definitely helped to improve the UI a lot.


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