Dear LyX developers,

I have used LyX for 1-2 years. Before that, I used FrameMaker (1988-1992), raw 
LaTeX (1992-1994), Scientific Workplace (1994-2016). I still occasionally use 
Scientific Workplace and FrameMaker  (opening old files, etc.).

LyX does much of what I need, but there are a few things I miss. Some of these 
are related to what FrameMaker refer to as "object tags", I guess. In LyX: 
Graphics (click on a LyX graphics), under LaTeX and LyX options: the 
possibility to define Graphics Groups is extremely useful... when I import 
plots generated in MATLAB, I can assign the same graphics group to these plots, 
and get a consistent size of these. If I change the definition of the group, 
this immediately propagates to all plots within the group.

A key suggestion is to *extend* this to other objects. Thus:

1.       I have spent tens of hours trying to get a consistent look for Program 
Listing. It would be really, really helpful if I can assign a Program Listing 
to a "program listing group", where I define computer language, possible 
numbering of lines, location of line numbering, fonts for line numbering, fonts 
for code, line breaks, tabs, etc.,etc. Thus, I'd like to be able to define 
groups such as "Displayed-MATLAB", "InLine-MATLAB", "Displayed-Python", etc., 
etc. Such a possibility would be priceless for getting a consistent look.

2.       Similarly: styles for Floats would be useful. By default, all floats 
seem to be left adjusted. I tend to use center adjustment of figures/tables and 
caption. If I could set a default, or define a group - that would be useful.

Another thing related to efficiency:

3.       I tend to experiment a bit with my notation. What symbol should I use 
for dimensionless variables? I have tried with math expressions with bar 
decoration, with subscript asterisk, etc., etc. I should probably have defined 
macros for this (but haven't looked too much into that possibility). Instead I 
have used the Math Find/Replace option. Some difficulties with this:

a.       Suppose I want to replace math variables with bar decoration to the 
same math variables with superscript asterisk? (\bar{x} to x^\ast, \bar{z} to 
z^\ast, etc., etc.). Currently, I cannot do it in one batch: I have to remember 
each of the variable names for which I want to do this.

b.       When doing search/replace in math expressions... suppose I want to 
change E to K (e.g., if I write about kinetic energy). The math tool for search 
and replace then also goes through ordinary text, and not only the math 
expressions. It would be nice if there was an option so that ordinary text 
(i.e., not enclosed in $.$ or $$.$$) is left out of the replacement.

When I preview documents, LyX often gives me error messages - which very often 
are difficult to decipher.

4.       It would be useful with some improvement (if possible) in what exactly 
is wrong when I get error messages, and in which part of the document I should 
look for problems. With the current level of information (ok - it may be that I 
simply don't understand how to debug), I essentially end up with a binary 
search of the document... remove the last half of the document and see if the 
error message persists, if persists, then re-insert the latter part and remove 
the first quarter, etc., etc. Not particularly efficient, and prone to 

Some integration of Jupyter Notebook/Lab with LyX??

5.       I tend to more and more use Jupyter Notebooks when I develop examples 
in courses, etc. (and soon: Jupyter Lab). Jupyter Notebooks are notebooks that 
are opened and run in a web browser, and currently supports some 40 computer 
languages (Jupyter  originally referred to Julia, Python and R). In a Jupyter 
Notebook, I can download the document as LaTeX. Such notebooks have a simple 
markdown system for defining document structure.

a.       Unfortunately, it is not straightforward to import the downloaded 
LaTeX document into LyX. Problems are related to how to import/typeset active 
cells, but also figures, math, etc.

b.       I will use such Notebooks more and more in the future, and it would be 
extremely useful if I could import then in an easy way into LyX.

c.       It would also be useful if there was a simple way to copy math from 
LyX, and insert it into Jupyter Notebooks. Currently, multiline math doesn't 
fare well.

OK: these were some wishes based on experience with LyX. There are lots of 
things I have only scratched the surface of in LyX (e.g., typesetting chemical 
symbols, etc.), and many things I will look into in the future.

Best regards,
Bernt Lie

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