Le 31/01/2018 à 11:11, José Abílio Matos a écrit :
I am suggesting that

format 508 -> .22.lyx

format 509 -> .23.lyx

What is the current situation? Is it lyx2lyx that creates the .22.lyx names? I could not find it in the sources.

I have it also on my list to do this for other scripts, the obvious choice (taken from sed man page) is:

-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]

edit files in place (makes backup if SUFFIX supplied)

But it would be better to let lyx2lyx figure out the suffix by itself, wouldn't it?

 > José, are you reading this?

This is one of the issues that I had in my list for 2.4, with an eye to backport it for 2.3.

Thanks :)


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