On 8/19/20 3:39 AM, Daniel wrote:
> It seems a bit tricky to get reaction on the list by those who are
> interested to respond without some others who are not really
> interested in discussion feeling called upon as well. I guess the
> problem is that if they do not pitch in then it might be said or
> thought "Why haven't you said earlier that you are against it?" I am
> not sure how to solve that problem. One solution might be to move
> initial discussions about patches to the bug tracker. There many
> people don't get automatic updates and hence the problem is circumvented.

That's quite often done. It depends upon the size of the project. E.g.,
when I was re-writing the updateBuffer routines, it touched enough code
that discussion happened here mostly. But for smaller things, yes, trac
is probably the best place to work.


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