Andre Poenitz wrote:

>On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 11:42:39AM -0400, Anand Rangarajan wrote:
>>I just checked my reLyX imported file and the label that shows up in my 
>>lyx file is a_{1 and not a_{1} (as in your case with lyx 1.3CVS). 
>'a_{1'  with unbalanced braces?
>This is even worse than I thought...
Yes, the label is "a_{1" and NOT "a_{1}" in my imported file. In my 
original posting, if you look at the resulting lyx file, you'll see the 
unbalanced braces.

I've enclosed the reLyX-derived LyX file and the LaTeX source again. You 
can clearly see the unbalanced braces on line 30 in lyx2_eqbug.lyx.

The error messages produced by relyx are:
-------------------------Start relyx error 

<#> [
found '}' unexpectedly, array: '[char X mathalpha][char =
mathalpha][char 0 mathalpha]'

--------------------------End relyx error 


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\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}


 Equation\SpecialChar ~
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{eq:1_a}


)'s label seems wrong.

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