Andre Poenitz wrote:

>On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 11:54:32AM -0400, Anand Rangarajan wrote:
>>can clearly see the unbalanced braces on line 30 in lyx2_eqbug.lyx.
>>The error messages produced by relyx are:
>>-------------------------Start relyx error 
>><#> [
>>found '}' unexpectedly, array: '[char X mathalpha][char =
>>mathalpha][char 0 mathalpha]'
>That's the math parser which is confused by the unbalanced braces.
>You'll get the reLyX result by running 'reLyX yourtexfile.tex' manually
>(from a shell, not from LyX)
>>\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
>This basically means the balancing is fixed when writing from LyX to a
>.lyx. Although this is good, it does not help much...
Sorry, I don't understand. In the above line 30 "\label{eq:1_{a}" still 
looks unbalanced to me since it is missing a right "}".


>Anyway, looks like it is reLyX's fault here.

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