>>>>> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Angus> Don't I remember Matthias Ettrich saying something about this,
Angus> way back when? (In the course of that enormous thread a year or
Angus> so ago that was initiated by John's discovery that Matthias and
Angus> Kalle Dalheimer were playing with a Qt port of the GUI-I
Angus> stuff.)

Angus> As I recall it, he said "contact me and I'll arrange for some
Angus> licences"...

I had something like that in mind. It would be nice first if somebody
with access to win32 or macosx could get the grip on an evaluation
version and see what happens. I guess that our autoconf machinery
would have to be modified to make things work. Under windows, would it
work with gcc, or only vc++?

Finally, we have to know whether we would have the right to distribute


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