
        I just compiled the CVS version of lyx (soon to be 1.3.0 I suppose)
using ./configure --with-frontend=qt. The compilation was done on an x86
Athlon 2000 box running Redhat linux 8.0 using qt-3.0.5-17. The lyx
splash screen of the CVS version I'm using says lyx-1.3.0pre1.

1. There were some missing fonts which will be gradually fixed I guess -
\spadesuit being an example. I saw an earlier thread regarding missing

2. When I type Control-M a number of times, I get a nested set of math
environments. Is this the expected behavior? I do not see this in
lyx-1.2.3 compiled against xforms-1.0. I've enclosed the lyx file
(testmath.lyx below) which clearly shows a nested set of environments
caused by repeated typing of Control-M in the main lyx window.

3. In the math environment, typing \{ in lyx-1.3.0pre1 (qt-3.0.5) seems
to correspond to typing { in lyx-1.2.3 (xforms-1.0). Conversely, typing
{ in lyx-1.3.0pre1 (qt-3.0.5) seems to correspond to typing \{ in
lyx-1.2.3 (xforms-1.0). My guess is that this is a designed change and
that lyx2lyx or some other converter should be run prior to switching

I apologize if these are well known issues and have already been
discussed to death. Also, I apologize for not cross-testing the  alleged
nested math environment behavior against lyx-1.3.0pre1 compiled against
xforms-1.0. The compilation did not succeed.


#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_inset Formula $\textrm{$\textrm{$\textrm{$\textrm{}$}$}$}$


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