On 21.02.05, Ralf Goertz wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know who I could ask about this, so I try it here. I wanted to change 
> the email address I gave for my account on LyX-bugzilla. I did this using the 
> prefs dialog. Then I got the message that to both my new and my old address 
> an email was sent for confirmation. However, I never got the email on my new 
> address probably because my old address does not exist anymore. So the 
> pending change request expired. I tried it once more with the same result. 
> Who can I ask to do the change manually?

I got the same problem, no confirmation mail (although both, old and new
email where still valid).

I tried with unsubscribing and re-subscribing under the new address - the
process got halfway struck. 

Could someone change the mail-address g.milde tu-dresden.de to g.milde web.de?


G.Milde web.de

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