Ignacio García schrieb:

Could you please translate the new note at the beginning of the document
and the notes in section 2.6.1 and 2.6.2?

It's done. I have put the file with the new name, es_EmbeddedObjects.lyx (1.4.4-1):

Many thanks.

One question:

> Para comprender el uso de este comando, lee al final de la sección2.6.2 (9.2 
en LyX) la primera
> nota resaltada en gris.

Why do you write its section 9.2? There is no such section, sse the PDF output I generated from your file:


I hope this will be the last change: Some users complained that "unusual" LaTeX-packaegs were required to be able to compile the document to PDF. I therefore had to change the document preamble a bit and to use some notes to explain some ERT-commands. So if you could again translate the first note below the document title and the notes and new text in section 2.12.5 and 4.3 the document should hopefully be ready for the next LyX release.
(it's not much to translate, only a few lines.)

Start the translation from this document:

(for 1.5:
http://www.lyx.org/trac/browser/lyx-devel/trunk/lib/doc/es_EmbeddedObjects.lyx )

best regards Uwe

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