On Sun, 04 Feb 2007 16:09:31 +0100
 Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why do you write its section 9.2? There is no such section, sse the PDF output..

Because when I see the document in LyX display, I see "9.1 Footnotes in Longtables" "9.2 Longtable Captions" in menu Navigate or in the text body, I can't view "2.6.1"
and "2.6.2".
If I can't open the PDF-output, "section 2.6.1" or "2.6.2" is mixed up for me.

So if you could again translate the first note below the document title and the
notes and new text in section 2.12.5 and 4.3 the document should hopefully be
ready for the next LyX release. (it's not much to translate, only a few lines.)

Start the translation from this document:

It's done and updated the above document
I've seen that my PDF-output, in section 4.3, shows the margin notes overlapping the text. If I put \cleardoublepage in the preamble, the problem is over, and furthermore all the chapters first page are in odd page (first side of the sheet), and odd page numbers are in odd pages, even numbers in even pages.

And, as I told, I must use \pagenumbering{Roman} because \roman crash the PDF-output

(I don't know if others Spanish users will have the same problem. With LANG=en
no problem with roman)


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