
I hope you can suffer the questions of an abject beginner at lyx and
latex.  Lyx seems great, and I was hoping it might soften or remove my
need to learn latex.  Here's the question: I'm a scientist, and the
biggest thing I need to write are journal articles.  All the
publications I am interested in already have latex style files.  How
easy would it be to use these in Lyx?  I know people have made different
styles under lyx for aapg, I'd like to do the same for publications I
write for.  How about it?  Can somebody describe the process or a good
reference to the process?  I've tried to find documentation or a howto
about it, but I can't seem to find a good one.

Thanks in advance.

-Jason Crosswhite

Rm 220, Cascade Building
University of Oregon

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