Herbert wrote:

>In multiline format (eqnarray) the left and the right part are real
>but the middle part is a textformula!
This is really interesting. Thanks for clearing up this mystery.

> So it's not possible to write
>a sum super/subscript under /above the sum-symbol. If you choose the
>array-format, all parts are in textmode. 
>You can type the sum in all three parts of a multiline formula and you
>see, that the middle sum is typed with super/subscript shifted to the
>the left and right one the one with super/subscript above/under the sum.
>The option \limits works only for integrals, in both math modes!
In this point I disagree with you. Type the following in the middle part of a
multiline formula and you will get a sum with super/subscripted limits:
\sum \limits _n=1 ^\infty  n

>Therefore it's not correct, when LyX views these symbols different to
>the latex-convention.
I agree.


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