>>Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 18:08:33 +0200
>>From: Martijn Brouwer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: changing caption environment & positioning of figures
>>Today I finished my master thesis, but I still have two problems:
>>The most important is that one of my figures is not inserted in my
>>document. This is a small figure in a floatflt environment. The problem is
>>that this figure follows after a huge figure float containing three
>>figures. This float is printed on a separate page, but LaTeX seems to be
>>unable to insert the small figure before the huge one. I inserted the large
>>float at the very beginning of the section it belongs to.
>>How can I solve this? My preferences for the insertion of floats are htbp.
>>Changing to !htbp does not solve my problem.

Seems to me that the Extended.lyx doc says that the floatflt package
is a bit fragile with page breaks, so that the normal float control
does not help: you must try tu put the floatflt right in the
middle of a page to avoid automatic placement near top or bottom.
Can't you manage to control the
positioning by hand (i.e. moving huge floats around ?)

>>My second problem is that the captions are hardly discernable from the
>>normal text. I want to print them in a slightly smaller font and italic.
>>How can I change the caption environment?

Example from the french FAQ:
\renewcommand{\captionfont}{\it \small}
\renewcommand{\captionlabelfont}{\it \bf \small}
\renewcommand{\captionlabeldelim}{ :}
See the caption2 doc for the fine tuning


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