On Wed, 25 Oct 2000 08:59:12 +0200 Chris Schulbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi! On Monday, I posted the problem on changing the skip-length in a
> list-environment. Because LyX displays only positive values, even if you
> typed -3ex e.g. for that in its paragraph-menu, i forgot to check the
> .dvi-File. Guenter Milde has repyed on that problem.

> So I tried again, and, YES, the .dvi-File looks fine.

> BUT: If your (-2ex-vertical skip) list reaches the end of the page AND
> you've got some footnotes on that page, they will crash somewhat with the
> list-text. Maybe this is a bug? Don't know, if its a LyX or LateX-Problem.

It is a unwanted side effect I did not consider. I puppose the reason is,
that the (for you annoying) extra space between list elements is not
inserted at the end of a page.

One solution could be to set only the space above to a negative value (I did
not check what happens for the fist item), or may be split the negative
value to half above half below.

The other  solution would be to set the extra space back
to zero for the last item on a page.(not very clever, becouse you have to
find out what where the pagebreak is and this may also change if more text
is inserted)

maybe there is also a change to find out the name of the itemsep in the list
environment. then it could be changed analog to enumerate or itemize. (But I
dont know)


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