Claus Hentschel wrote:
> Based on the koma article layout I need an own style like the default
> 'Description' (M-a d) style (only the first word is bold and the paragraph
> indented). The first word should be a text label (Example 1:) followed by a
> counter and a colon.
> Does anybody have a layout with such a style? I have tried to write an own
> layout file but due to poor latex know-how I always get environment errors
> when running latex!


in the lyx-text write
blah blah

you can also use the follwing lyx-layout. save it as my.layout
in ~/.lyx/layouts/ and insert in ~/.lyx/layouts/
at the end the line 
Input my.layout

now you can choose inside lyx the style myExample, all
other commands are made by lyx. if an examples follows direct another
you have to insert a blank line with a ctrl-space and style standard. 
myExample is an environment, therefore lyx needs another style between
two examples.


----file my.layout----------
# Examle style
Style myExample
  Margin                First_Dynamic
  LatexType             Environment
  LatexName             myExample
  NextNoIndent          1
  LeftMargin            MMN
  LabelSep              xx
#  ParSkip              0.0
  ItemSep               0.2
  TopSep                0.7
  BottomSep             0.7
  ParSep                0.3
  Align                 Block
  AlignPossible         Block, Left
  LabelType             Static
  LabelString           "Example #:" 
    series              bold


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