Jim Osborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Is there a trick that will let me easily combine a set of paragraphs
| into a single paragraph?  I'd like to, say, select the lines (that
| LyX thinks of as paragraphs) and invoke an Edit function saying:
| "Remove the newlines at the ends of these lines, and put a space
| between the words joined by that action." or something like that.
| I imported a large ascii file, and to preserve essential formatting
| in most of it, I had to import it as lines.  Now I'm faced with
| very tedious cleanup in the parts that should have been imported
| as paragraphs.  Click at the beginning of line, backspace, space,
| click at the beginning of the next line... :(

I have this problem as well from time to time... I have planned to
rewrite the ascii import, but that is _way_ down on my todo list.

In the meantime I use a small prog:

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
        string line;
        ifstream ifs("tmp.txt");
        do {
                int c = ifs.peek();
                if (c == '\n') cout << '\n';
                getline(ifs, line);
                cout << line;
        } while(ifs);

and insert the output from that instead.


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