Darryl VanDorp a écrit :

> Can anyone give me the complete
> idiots guide to getting lyx to use
> the docbook format?
> I can't seem to get the sgml-tools and
> lyx etc. to play nice and export docbook.
> Any help would be appreciated?
> --Darryl

Here is an answer that I sent to the list for a similar question. I hope
it helps. If not, please tell what does not work.

If you don't find the "SGML (DocBook article)" class defined in the
layout->document class list, it means that all you need is not
installed. If it is already defined, write your lyx document with this
class, and export as DocBook.

If it is not defined, you can do the following:

1- Install what is missing. You need to have:

a. The DocBook stuff:
   * the docbook package,
   * the nwalsh modular stylesheets,
   * the ISO character entities.
b. The jade package.
c. SGMLtools version 3.0 (sgmltools-lite).

2- When everything is installed, set the SGML_CATALOG_FILES correctly to
the catalogs path of the installed packages.

3- At this step you should check that your install is ok (jade and
sgmltools). Especially, check sgmltools. In my install the
/etc/sgml/aliases was not there (so that sgmltools -b dvi mydoc.sgml
didn't work).

4- Reconfigure LyX (options->reconfiguration, exit from lyx, restart

5- The "SGML (DocBook article)" should be listed. If everything is ok,
you can create a doc with this style and:
* view as DVI, PostScript,
* export as DVI, ps, DocBook, HTML.



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