I have installed the new Lyx 2.2(rc1) thanks to the help of several people of this list. I wanted to keep the 2.1 version. I have therefore started the new version by using src/lyx on the command line (produced by ./configure and make - but omitted the make install so far).
However, starting the old lyx 2.1 with
 lyx &
gives me
[1] 3613
we@wolfgang-Mr-Whisper-Ultra-SSD-II:/mnt/sdb/we$ Warning: Die Konfigurationsdatei konnte nicht gelesen werden
Fehler beim Lesen der Konfigurationsdatei preferences.
Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Installation.

Does the new lyx use some of the resources and what could I do?
Can I change the name of the new Lyx to e.g. Lyx2-2 at this stage (perhaps while doing make install) and get the resources back again?


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