On Wed, 15 Jun 2016, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Cosmetics will indeed be different. Jurgen refactored the Beamer class
massively in this version, and it may have been refactored once between
when you wrote your three-year-old original file and this version. There's
a conversion involved in getting your old presentation into LyX 2.2.0, not
just cosmetic changes in the display, so it's possible you are correct
that a version change is involved. That said, though, I've hit no speed
bumps updating any of my presentations ... so far ...


  I assumed that much more than appearances changed since that original file
was created.

Since this issue may crop up again for you with some future update of an
old file, you might want to take a moment (when you have one) to trim down
to a minimal example and post it. Ideally, it would be best to cut down
the file (and obfuscate the proprietary stuff) in an earlier version of
LyX, so we can verify that the conversion issue is general and not
specific to your setup. That requires having access to an older version
though, so it might be too much work.

  I keep only the current version. And, this is likely to be the only old
presentation to be modified in the current LyX version. Other presentations
will be brand new so I anticipate no hassles with those.

  However, I can provide the entire .lyx file for a beamer presentation from
2006 (lyx-1.4.2 and 23K in size) if anyone wants to check for conversion
issues. Nothing proprietary in that; it was a continuing legal education
talk I gave to the Environmental and Natural Resources Section of the OBA.

Many thanks,


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