On 06/15/2016 08:46 AM, Nikola Ivan Leder wrote:
The subject pretty much sums it up. As
suggested in previous thread I've upgraded
to lyx 2.2.
The new version would not produce a result
when exporting to PDF because of unknown
characters. I've tracked this to Croatian
diacritics from the references bib file.

You shouldn't, in general,have any non-ASCII characters in your bib files,it's because of bibtex limitations. You could try with bibtex8 (Document settings > Bibliography > Processor), or biblatex (with some additional work, http://wiki.lyx.org/BibTeX/Biblatex). It could be though that your bib file encoding and your lyx document encoding don't match: what's in your Document settings > Language > Encoding?

To help you further, we'll need a minimal LyX file together with a bib database showing the error.

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