Am Samstag, 18. Juni 2016 um 08:36:59, schrieb Michael Berger <>
> Hi Miguel, hi all
> I installed texlive2016 last night:
> # ./install-tl -gui   (NOT ./install-tl-20160523 -gui)
> The installer did not find Perl/Tk but after giving some comments 
> continued in text mode. After 49 minutes I was greeted 'Welcome!'.
> I presume texlive2016 will be fully functionally despite that missing 
> gui. :-\

Sure, but you still may want to use the GUI.

> Please, could you or somebody else confirm my presumption before I 
> proceed with installing LyX 2.2.0 etc. ?!

"tlmgr gui" needs Perl/Tk. Install packages "libgtk2-perl" and "perl-tk" (== 
ubuntu package names)

> Remains the question why your installation worked with -gui while mine 
> did not!?
> I found perl-Tk (Tk modules for Perl), 804.33.0, 1.mga x86_64 is 
> installed in my system. It is the only perl-Tk package installed out of 
> the total number of 24.
> The Tex Maintainers say that GUI must be compiled with XFT support - did 
> you do that?!
> In my software manager I see 'lib64xft-gir2.0' and 'lib64xft2' 
> installed  out of another 16 xft packages.
> I very much appreciate receiving comments on this issue :-*
> Thanks an best,
> Michael


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