Danko Georgiev wrote:

> Dear Scott,
> If you try typesetting time periods, in old LyX you could just type
> "2014--2016". When you print PDF you will read 2014[en-dash]2016. In
> other words, old Lyx printed the double dash as if it Latex code.

Yes. This behaviour caused lots of trouble (e.g. 
http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/3647, http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/8561) 
and has been changed in version 2.2. Now a hyphen that is stored in a LyX 
document is always typeset as a hyphen, even for two or more consecutive 

> Now in version 2.2.1 I tried to type 2014--2016 but Lyx automatically
> overwrites this double dash with en-dash. This is simply WRONG thing to
> do. en-dash is a special character that I do not want in my code!

This conversion was implemented in order to mimic the 2.1 behaviour. In 2.1 
if you enter two consecutive hyphens, you get an en-dash in the output. In 
2.2, if you enter two consecutive hyphens, you get an en-dash in the output 
as well. The only difference is that in 2.2, the display on screen and the 
contents in the .lyx file are also copnsistent with the output.

> To make it clear: imagine that I want to type $\mu$ and LyX starts to
> convert this to unicode character mu U+039C, Μ or whatever

You can always enter - - and then delete the space if you really need two 
consecutive hyphens.

> Lyx now behaves as MS Word instead as a LaTeX typesetter. I don't think
> the solution is to revert back my LyX to 2.1

We could of course change the automatic conversion of consecutive hyphens on 
input if there is popular demand. That would make entering of en-dashes and 
em-dashes more difficult, and currently I believe that the current behaviour 
is convenient for most users.

> On 07-Sep-16 19:06, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 07, 2016 at 07:02:58PM +0300, Danko Georgiev wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have just updated to the newest LyX 2.2.1. and immediately got a
>>> problem with automatic conversion of double dashes -- to en-dash in a
>>> manuscript written with Lyx 2.1. This en-dash replacement resulted in
>>> error message in index sorting when compiling PDF.

If a document that produces PDF output does not produce the same PDF output 
anymore after loading it in 2.2 then this is a bug. Please file it at 
http://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome and include a test case in 2.1 


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